I have recently had a few sessions with some special people. I will post these first since they are my favorite kids! Andrew is now five and Abby is three. Andrew has predicted me having a girl baby for a while now. His reasoning: "because I like girls." He is convinced that the baby's name will be Sara, but we have explained to him that Sara is Uncle Wesley's sister's name. Kids!
I thought I would share some photos of our sweet Fur Baby, Baxter, since he will be shadowed in a few months by a real baby! He is super sweet and such a wonderful dog. Baxter is a Black & White tri-color English Springer Spaniel. Wes drove to South Carolina to get him - we fell in love with his photo online! We never thought we would love another dog after losing Macie (our Cocker) to kidney failure at 7 years old. But, Baxter stole our hearts and we can't imagine life without him! He is a bit of a thief though!! He likes to steal socks, wash cloths, and dish rags. I can only imagine how many baby socks will get holes in them thanks to Bax!
This is baby Baxter - he was about 3 months old. CUTE!!!
This is when he came inside and promised me that he did not dig in that hole again. I didn't believe him.
Saturday was another beautiful day for a wedding in downtown Pensacola. Julia & Greg tied the knot at First United Methodist Church with reception following at Apple Annie's in Seville Quarter. Julia & Greg seemed so laid back all day! They were both so awesome to work with. They had the band Mr. Big at their reception and they were AWESOME!
The bride's shoes were kickin!
Photography is not really allowed during the ceremony at FUMC, so we had to make up for it afterwards.....
This is where hiring two photographers pays off....both photos above and below this sentence were shot at about the same time from two different angles.
Give Pam Rodgerson a call at Seville if you are looking for a reception hall and let her show you a couple of different options they have available. They provide great service and the rooms are beautiful! The food is always really good too!
These two were in town from North Carolina for the holiday weekend so we met up with them for some engagement photos.... Wes was a little reluctant in front of the camera, but a little flirting from Janelle seemed to open him up a bit. Look for their wedding photos at the end of December!
We started photographing this family a month before baby Taylor was born. It's hard to believe she is already 9 months old! Rae and I hope to have the same kind of relationship with our new baby as these three have. They are a great looking family too! Taylor is a super fast crawler, so catching her in focus was quite a task!
Hands off ladies, this one is happily married.....
Joann and Brian are getting married here in January, and they came into town from Kentucky for the holiday weekend. Just a couple of hours before their engagement session, they bought a cute pug that would melt anyone's heart. It was only appropriate that we included her in the photos too!
This is our wedding from November 18th at the Mobile Botanical Gardens. What a great place for an outdoor wedding! The ceremony location was so romantic! Jennifer and Mark flew in from England (their current residence) the week before and wrapped up all of the loose ends gloriously. Cleveland the Florist did the flowers and they were gorgeous! The peony is definitely a new favorite!!
I just looked at the blog this morning and realized how far behind we are on blogging! We hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving......we spent much of the week laying hardwood floors in our house and preparing for the holidays. I am going to be adding a lot of photos to the blog today, so check back in a little later for some new stuff!
I can't believe it. Andrew is 5 now! I have been an aunt for 5 years already!! Whoah - time flies. I remember Andrew's birth. I was the photographer and it was the closest I have ever been to childbirth. Margie did everything all natural and made it look pretty easy. As Andrew was coming out, Margie was excited to find out if her baby would be a boy or a girl, but I think she was more excited to know if the baby had red hair. She ALWAYS wanted red-headed babies and she has two of them now! Wes and I couldn't stay at the party for long because we had a wedding, but it we caught a few shots of the party before we left. Andrew had a few friends from 'school' come over for some fishing in the pond and hayrides.
The Birthday Boy!
The kiddies fishing
The fish weren't biting so - feeding the ducks became the fun thing to do! The red-head on the left is Andrew's look-a-like, Sanden.
One of the cuties! Look at those amazing eyes!!
This is the cool cake that Aunt Rae & Uncle Wesley got Andrew - is it cool or what??!!
Here it is! I am FINALLY posting an ultrasound photo of Baby Leytham so I can get some of you off of my back! For those of you who didn't know that I am pregnant - I AM PREGNANT!!!! woohoooo! I am about to be 19 weeks which means almost halfway through! The due date is April 12th, so for those of you who are getting married mid-March through April 2007: sorry - I will not be photographing any weddings. Anyway, the baby is measuring a few days ahead of schedule which I am a little concerned about since it will be coming out eventually. ouch. According to 2 ultrasound techs, our baby is a GIRL. But, they aren't 100% positive. The lack of boy parts showing gives them that idea, but I have heard of those boy parts 'popping' out. I feel it's a girl and have for a while, but I would be happy with a boy too. If I have a girl, the household would be even - 2 boys and 2 girls! I am posting 2 images. They are the same thing except I labelled stuff on one for those who don't have a clue what you are looking at (Stephanie - that means you)! The image is a side profile of the face and neck with Baby Leytham in a neck-stretch. So cute! Enjoy!
I thought I would share some pics of my newest niece and nephews. Aren't they adorable?? Wesley's sister, Sara, has Baxter's sister dog (Dixie). Are you confused yet? Anyway, Dixie is a bad girl and got pregnant by the neighbor dog. Well, we actually aren't sure who the daddy is!! But, she had 3 CUTE pups and they look like black & white tri-color Springer Spaniels so far! Sara gave them temporary names - Bo, Luke, and Daisy. Boy, do they have distinct personalities. Luke is the BIG boy and eats everybody's food and whines like a baby. Bo has the prettiest face and is a sweet boy and isn't interested in puppy-wrestling too much. Daisy is a spit-fire and loves to play and nibble with her razor-sharp teeth. Luke is going to a home in Mobile and Bo is going to a home in Pensacola (yay!) and I think they are still trying to find Ms. Daisy a home. I tried to talk Wes into taking Daisy, but he said a firm, NO! :-( Here they are.....
This is the cutie pie Bo!
This is Baxter (left) and Dixie (right) about a year ago.