Natalie is almost 3 months and since I will be just getting over Avery's birth at Nattie's 3-month birthday, we decided to get a few shots in! We have lots, but these are WAY too cute!
This is one Wes took....I think Natalie's mama has already told her to stay away from boys...
I wanted to share some photos my fabulous hubby took of me this week. We will be parents next week!!! So, I know I am huge. You don't have to tell me. I have been blessed with a good pregnancy and have enjoyed it. But, I am getting pretty uncomfortable and swelling and waddling and all the things 9-month pregnant women do. Enjoy!
Have you ever seen eyes this big and blue before?? This is Hannah!! She is a super sweet 3-year old with a fabulous mommy! Sherry & I have been friends since middle school and they came over to spend a few hours with me. And, of course, we had to snap a few shots of the blue-eyed beauty. Hannah does have 2 big brothers, but this was a girl day!!!
It seems like only yesterday that my cousin was born. I was 13 at the time and he was literally a "Big" baby! Over 10 lbs if I do remember correctly.. Anyway, he is now a Senior in High School and a darn good baseball player. His team came over from Mobile to play Pensacola Christian today, so I decided to practice my sports photography while cheering them on. These are for my family! --wes
Hello everyone! We are going on unnofficial maternity leave until the middle of May, so we will not have any more shoots until then. However,(key word) this blog will not be inactive in the least! We have some bridal photos we will be posting after upcoming April weddings, photos from the last year that we are going to post including some of our travels, and of course LOTS of baby photos soon. Just to keep things interesting, sometime between now and May 1, we will be giving away a free 11x14 or 16x20 print (your choice). I am going to make the announcement for it here on the blog, and the first person to leave a comment on that post can claim the prize. If you are not an existing client, you can purchase a portrait sitting to claim your prize! So keep checking in, and we'll do the same! Thanks to all of you for your love, support, and friendship up to this point. We appreciate you more than you know! --wes
I just realized that I didn't post a very special family on my blog! I am suffering from pregnant brain. Carnley & Steven were blessed with Catherine last November and she is growing like a weed. Carnley is one of our BEST clients so I am ashamed that I haven't posted them on the blog yet!! Claire (see the previous post) is Carnley's sister and Cat's favorite babysitter!
Claire is graduating next month so we went around UWF's campus to get some pics of her. We went all over and jumped out of the car when we sw something interesting. She was probably tired of us after it was all over, but we had fun. We don't get to do too many Senior sessions, so it was nice to have something new!!
Our niece and nephew came over this weekend, so we had to snap some shots of them in their pretty clothes for tha family! They are red-headed silly monkeys in these photos. It's hard to believe they are 5 and 3 already!
Saturday was Jessica and Mitchell's big day here in Pensacola. They held their ceremony at Olive Road Baptist Church with the reception following at the Officer's Club on Pensacola NAS.
I love this shot....sort of Hollywood
The teal colors were perfect for the arrival of Spring.....
The photographers always get banished to the balcony at Olive Baptist while the guests snap away down below!
Notice to all you ladies! You have to remove any cake that you put on your husband's nose!
This was the 3 year old ring bearer and the flower girl. I thought we were going to have to hose them on the dance floor! Young love ;-)