I have finally found a working high speed connection in our NYC hotel basement (not kidding)lol.....so I am trying to catch up on a little blogging here! HEre are some photos from Saturday's wedding of Sara & Ray. I am leaning heavily on the flower photos from this one since they were so stunningly beautiful. There are some days when every little thing comes together for perfect wedding photography..... weather, lighting, etc. It makes our job so much easier and this wedding was one of those days. Sara and Ray also saw each other before the wedding which gave us plenty of time for some relaxed fun shots.........Wes
I know I promised NYC photos, but our wireless internet is not working at the hotel!! Geesh....So I am sitting at Starbucks overlooking a giant TV in Times Square trying to check a few e-mails. Hopefully I will be able to add some photos soon! The weather is fantastic and we are having a GREEEEEEEEAT time. Be on the lookout for our turbulence story on the way up here and how Rae thought she was going to meet God (Not kidding). We'll have more details within the next couple of days.... Wes & Rae
We had the pleasure again today of doing a promo photo shoot for the ladies at Bliss Event Group. If you did not see our last post, you can get in touch with these ladies Here for their help in planning the wedding of your dreams. We are so glad to have them around and look forward to working with them in the future! Give their website a hit and look for our recent photos!
Just want to post a reminder to everyone who does not know, that Rae and I will be out of the office from this Friday the 27th of October until Sunday November 5th. We have three weddings, the first beginning this Saturday followed by two next weekend and we are going to New York City in between for a photography class by one of best contemporary photographers in the country based out of L.A. (no that's not lower Alabama). We will be blogging some photos from New York, but all e-mails and messages may have to wait until we return to Pensacola for responses. We have been looking foward to this class for 6 months and we are super stoked about some of the talent we hope to bring back!
A while back we offered a free photography package for paid expenses to somewhere tropical.......we are happy to announce someone has taken us up on our offer. Ashley and Tim are going to provide us with the opportunity to take some amazing photos in June 2007 with 5 days on the island of Oahu, Hawaii. We are going to spend extra time with them leading up to the wedding shooting them under waterfalls, at their rehearsal Luau, and some other amazing photo sessions. We are so happy to have this opportunity with them and can't wait for this fantastic trip!
This weekend was the wonderful wedding of Rachel and Brian. They had a beautiful ceremony at Marcus Pointe Baptist Church with the reception following at New World Landing. I have to give props since I think they probably had the prettiest Betty Weber cake we have ever seen. We hope you two have a great time in Mexico and we'll see you soon!
We'll start out with a few of Rachels bridal portraits......
Moving on to the wedding....
This is actually a chocolate covered cheesecake and yes, it was as good as it looks!
Ah....it's that time of year again. Time to reflect upon my senior year of high school and shoot some senior portraits! We started in downtown Pensacola with Ms. Alyson and ended at Pensacola Beach.
It's hard to believe that it's been a year already, but this is where we found ourselves last October for those who didn't know us then. We had just finished a wedding and took off to Gatlinburg with friends for a couple of days. As we were coming home, someone in North Georgia ran a stop sign and nailed us in the side while we were traveling at 45mph. As our vehicle spun from the impact, the rear tire grabbed the grass on the shoulder and put us into a rollover. We rolled over 3 times before finally coming to a stop on our side against a road sign. Rae was in the back seat and usually did not wear her seatbelt since she likes to stretch out and sleep, but for some reason on this day she happened to be sitting up and wearing her seatbelt. Unfortunately, our 5 month old pup Baxter was not. He was sleeping in Rae's lap and we think he flew out of the window after it shattered on the first roll. He took off into the surrounding woods and we spent half the night looking for him not knowing if he was injured or dead. Luckily, we had just put our cell phone # on his collar a couple of weeks before the trip and someone from a golf resort called us the next morning to tell us he was outside playing with the guests. They were kind enough to keep him safe for us until we could come and get him since he had crossed a 55mph road in the middle of the night to get there. Needless to say, WEAR your seatbelt front and back seat. You never know when tragedy is going to strike! A year later Rae has finally improved from her injuries and I am still seeing a chiropractor weekly to cope with the pain from my head hitting the roof and jamming up my neck and back. We are most definitely thankful to be alive one year later!