It's hard to believe that it's been a year already, but this is where we found ourselves last October for those who didn't know us then. We had just finished a wedding and took off to Gatlinburg with friends for a couple of days. As we were coming home, someone in North Georgia ran a stop sign and nailed us in the side while we were traveling at 45mph. As our vehicle spun from the impact, the rear tire grabbed the grass on the shoulder and put us into a rollover. We rolled over 3 times before finally coming to a stop on our side against a road sign. Rae was in the back seat and usually did not wear her seatbelt since she likes to stretch out and sleep, but for some reason on this day she happened to be sitting up and wearing her seatbelt. Unfortunately, our 5 month old pup Baxter was not. He was sleeping in Rae's lap and we think he flew out of the window after it shattered on the first roll. He took off into the surrounding woods and we spent half the night looking for him not knowing if he was injured or dead. Luckily, we had just put our cell phone # on his collar a couple of weeks before the trip and someone from a golf resort called us the next morning to tell us he was outside playing with the guests. They were kind enough to keep him safe for us until we could come and get him since he had crossed a 55mph road in the middle of the night to get there. Needless to say, WEAR your seatbelt front and back seat. You never know when tragedy is going to strike! A year later Rae has finally improved from her injuries and I am still seeing a chiropractor weekly to cope with the pain from my head hitting the roof and jamming up my neck and back. We are most definitely thankful to be alive one year later!
5 month old Bax the day before the accident.....
Hooray for seatbelts!
I can't believe it's already been a year. I remember it happened right before the bridal show in Mobile - when I knew I wanted to book you guys for our wedding. Ahh, memories ...
Hooray for seatbelts!
I can't believe it's already been a year. I remember it happened right before the bridal show in Mobile - when I knew I wanted to book you guys for our wedding. Ahh, memories ...
Whoa - man...just reinforcement to wear seatbelts. I'm so happy you are all okay, including Baxter! ~Angie
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