This is me with my sister and sister in law. They both wore pink for the occasion!

This was the yummy cake. It's from the same place that we got our wedding cake!

Check out all the gifts behind me. There were SO can't even see them all in the photo. We are so lucky to have so many friends and family that love us!

This is the beginning of the gift-opening. As you can see, I had lots of help. That's Abby in the front and Andrew behind me.

I don't know why I am making a funny face, but how cute is this dress??!?!! Wes' mom gave us that. I bet you will be seeing Baby Avery in that as soon as she can wear it.

This is one of my DEAREST friends, Stephanie. We have been good friends since the 6th grade....OMG - that is TWENTY years!!!!! I love you Steph!

These lovely ladies are the reason I am here! This is my grandmother and my mom. Aren't they cute? Have I ever told you that my mom and I won a mother/daughter look-a-like contest about 14 years ago?? I get my curly hair and my annoying personality from my dad. All the other genes are straight from my mom.

These pictures are wonderful! Everybody looks so happy. It was a great shower and you are positively glowing! Love, Sherry
Baby girl clothes are always so cute! looks like you had so much fun! AND it looks like you've got lots of great baby stuff! Can't wait to meet baby Avery and I hope she's as crazy as her parents!
What do you mean about "Annoying"
Pops - Ask mom and she will explain what I mean by annoying....she understands!!
You are such a cutie pie Rae! I'm so happy for you and Wes and can't wait to see your baby :).
The shower was wonderful. The "mountain" of presents just shows how speical we all think Rae and Wesley are. Everyone is thrilled that they will soon welcome Avery into their lives. We can't wait to have her come to see her "beautiful" Nana and "annoying" Papa for some special weekend visits.
The "Terrific Neighbor" Cindy
You look amazing! So exciting to have a new, precious, little, life soon! So happy you had a wonderful shower...and were showered with some many great gifts! ~Angie
From Iraq with Love.
You both bring light to everyone's lives with the product you provide. The professionalism and quality that you exude is beyond compare! Congratulations to you both...
Miss ya,
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