Hey yall, this is Patsy Brown, for the first time hacking into Rae and Wes's (they do it to me all the time,and I LOVE IT tee hee) blog to let everyone know that the most beautiful baby girl in the world has just been born. She is simply PRECIOUS! I have kids of my own but I am telling yall this baby is the most beautiful baby girl I have EVER seen!!!!!!! Just wait till you see her. So here are a few images of Ms. Avery Rae and the VERY proud parents, grandparents, aunts and ME the "Uncle" don't ask. Mommy, Daddy and Baby Avery are doing just GREAT!!!!!!

SHE IS GORGEOUS!!!!!!!!!!!!! Way to go Rae and Wes! I am so happy for you, congratulations! And thank you so much Patsy for sharing because I have been going nutso waiting!!! - Sherry
Conrats Rae! What a beauty! Good going Mom and Dad!
Awwwww! Throughout the day today I kept thinking "Rae's having her baby today"! I'm glad everything went well!! Congratulations Rae and Wes, she's beautiful!
YEAH YEAH YEAH!!!! I spoke to you earlier but congratulations again. She really is gorgeous! It may be the mood of the black and white shots but I was bawling my eyes out seeing you guys. You need to get a picture with the hat off so we can see that curly hair :-)
SOOOO happy for you. HUGS!!
She is so beautiful!!!! Congrats to the whole family!!!
CONGRATULATIONS!! I was just checking your blog on the off chance that you had pictures up - and you do! You're so considerate of your blog stalkers ...
Lee and I are thrilled for you guys. Avery is absolutely beautiful. You two do such good work :)
Lots and lots of love,
Suzanne and Lee
She is absolutely GORGEOUS!!! I had the pleasure of meeting my brand new niece today! Andrew and Abigail (especially) can’t wait to meet her in person. Congratulations Rae & Wes (Baxter too)!! Your life as parents will be the most rewarding and challenging. – all my love…. Margie (Rae’s sis)
Congratulations!!! Avery is gorgeous! And you guys don't look so bad in your cute little hats either! ;)
~Julia & Greg
Rae and Wes-- Your baby is beautiful! Welcome to the world Avery!!
AHHH CONGRATULATIONS! She IS SOOOO beautiful! And I'm not just saying that, we all know there's some really ugly babies out there. She's SO adorable. Daddy is going to be a big softy with her!
The amount of happiness I feel for this family brings tears of joy to my eyes. Avery is just beautiful beyond description and she is so lucky to have Rae and Wes as parents (and Baxter for a brother). CONGRATULATIONS, and job well done!
Avery is so sweet! How long is she? Weight? I need details! I'm so happy for you both!
CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!!!!! AHHH!! I am crying- she is so beautiful! Many blessings to you both- what wonderful family she was born into today! : ) love, lara
Rae and Wes, I am so happy for you and Avery is sooooo adorable. Enjoy every moment you have with her it flys by!! Congratulations
RaeBird & Wesley,
Good job! She looks so sweet! I hope you are resting! Congratulatios...We are soo happy for you and can not wait to visit! Wish we were closer so we could come sooner!!!
I love you with all my Heart!!!
Karla, Shawn, & Family!!
PS...Bailey sent a Happy Easter gift for Avery!!!
Oh you guys - she is so beautiful! We can't wait to meet her! We are so excited to see all of you! We are planning to come by on Friday! Love you all!
Stephen, Carnley, Baby Cat, and the pups!
she is beautiful! congrats to you. I'm so happy for you. Love you! Nadia & Ulyan
I knew this day would finally be here!!! She is absolutely GORGEOUS!!! Congrats from Alabama!!!
Stephanie H.
She's beautiful!! We're so happy for you all!! Love, Victoria and Jason
Lee wants me to pass along to Wes that he looks SO cute in the hair net :)
That girl is just ridiculous cute! We're sooooo happy for all the Leythams! And Patsy too, we know she's been jonesing for an armful of Avery. :-)
AMAZING!! She is absolutely beautiful. I am so happy for you two!! Congratulations. Scott
She is soooo precious. I am so excited for you all! She is a beautiful little baby, and she has two fantabulous parents. Before long it will be tea parties and sleepovers. Cherish her everyday, time flies by!
Congratulations!!! God gave you such a beautiful,precious and perfect little girl who will bring so much joy to your lives. AND, our lives as well. Meeting her for the first time was absolutely wonderful. I think about her all the time now, and can't wait until I see her again. Wes and Rae you will be such great parents. She has Granpa and Mimi's hearts already Jan and Jerry (Wes' parents)
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