This first photo was made in 1995. This was me and my then 5 year old cousin, Ian, tearing up the court in Tampa. I'm sure he was better than me. Fast forward 12 years and now it's me taking his senior portraits. My how time flies. He has turned into quite an artists, and his drum and guitar skills are beyond amazing. I may feature one of his songs on the website soon. Anyway, he was in town from south Texas this weekend and we had a great time...
Geeeeee, what a handsome subject you had to work with. These are GREAT and you show so many of Ian through his growing up years. You did a fantastic shoot with him. I think Aunt Jan needs one of these, please. Mom
RRROOOWWWWRRRR!!!!!!!! --rae
OMG..I have never met Ian but I remember Wesley talking about him ALL the time when we were younger!!! Wow..Wes you are getting old!!!
Geeeeee, what a handsome subject you had to work with. These are GREAT and you show so many of Ian through his growing up years. You did a fantastic shoot with him. I think Aunt Jan needs one of these, please. Mom
WOW - Nanie Jr....
Ian was such a cute little kid and I knew he would grow up to be just as cute and handsome!
hmm i was talked about all the time how flattering wes didnt know iwas that cool
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