Today is Valentine's Day and I just wanted to share an old photo of me and my Valentine. This was taken in October 1999 and is one of our Engagement photos!! Yep...that's right...I am sharing one of our very own engagement photos. This photo was taken by the fabulous Jason Odom of Renaissance Portrait Studio in Fairhope, AL. Weren't we cute?? I still had naturally blond hair with NO grays and Wes had a head full of thick hair. Even though we weren't photographers back then, Jason was the first vendor we booked. We knew a good photo when we saw one!
That beautiful puppy with us is Macie. She was our first child together and she was loved so much. She was about 8 months old in this photo and she was our baby. Sadly, she died of kidney failure at 7 years old. We thought we could never love another dog again and now we have our sweet Baxter! We still love our Macie though. So, no...I don't think you people are crazy when you want your dog in your engagement photos! Anyway, I just thought you all would enjoy seeing us in our younger days! Our Anniversary is coming up in a few months (woohoo Tax Day!) and maybe you will get to see us as a bride and groom!
PS - this is a scanned image of our photo since our wedding was shot on film. I am giving Renaissance their credit so don't you people think I am stealing!! We actually bought our negatives a few years ago too.
What Happen ?
p.s. It gets worse. So, now you know.
Anyway you're still my favorite, just don't tell your sister because I told her she was the favorite too.
Love you
OMG...I had to do a double take when I first pulled up the blog!!!
Wow..can you believe it has been 8 years???? We love you guys so much!
Happy Valentine's Day!!!
Love, Karla and Shawn
LOVE it! You guys look so adorable.
Happy Valentine's Day! Y'all are too cute!!!! Wes looks so young - like a baby! Your puppy is so adorable, too. I remember you telling me her story a couple of weeks ago - what a sweet dog. I can see how y'all loved her so much. Anyway, hope you have a very happy Heart Day!
Awww! What a great picture!! 1999 doesn't seem that long ago, but geez...it was almost 10 years ago!! I love your little Macie too! She was adorable!
So adorable! I love any pictures of Joe and I when Foster is included. They are family! Happy Valentine's Day to you both. Cheers, Angie
You are now 100% totally busted!
Your favorite daughter
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