Wednesday, October 03, 2007

YouTube 1970's

This is the opening from one of my all time favorite shows as a kid... I'm dying to know if anyone remembers this? I think being born in the 70's is necessary. Gotta love the cheery blond at the end too. That was a requirement for all shows around this time! And the plot - the adventures of a truck driver and his monkey...WOW No wonder I wanted to be a truck driver at 4 years old. The star of the show was Greg Evigan.... most recently playing Edie's ex-husband in Desperate Housewives.

ETA - This was posted by Wesley, NOT RAE! I never saw this show. LOL!


patsy brown said...

Ok, Scotty is dancing around like a crazy person......he heard the music and went....."BJ AND THE BEAR" or something like that. Ok, Wes, I did not know you were older than me. I DO NOT, REPEAT DO NOT remember this show. I guess my folks did not allow that show? LOL, but Scottybabe is going wild!!!!!!!!!! He loved that show he says. He was a little older than you when it came out though.
The Most,
"Uncle Patsy"

Wes and Rae Leytham said...

Patsy, weren't you like 25 when this came out ;-)

patsy brown said...

WHAT???????????? No you didn't!!!!

Kerry Lynn said...

I've heard the name of the show but it doesn't look familiar at all. Was the monkey named bear?